Oct 30, 2020
In our last episode before Election Day, Arthur and Ryan talk about the suppression of the Hunter Biden story, and what to watch for in early voter data, especially in Florida, that might hold the key to how the election will turn out. And in the interview segment, we speak to Phil Magness, historian and Senior...
Oct 25, 2020
We're nine days from the presidential election, and there are a lot of things that could go wrong. FEC Chairman Trey Trainor joins the podcast to discuss big tech censorship, election security, and the quorum-less FEC on this week's episode of TAC Right Now. In the intro and exit, Arthur and Ryan talk Hunter Biden and...
Oct 16, 2020
In conjunction with the American Principles Project and Bruderhof, TAC held an online conference this week about the need for robust family policies, especially coming from the political right. We had several distinguished guests including, for this panel, Jon Schweppe (APP), Sam Hammond (Niskanen Center), Oren...
Oct 11, 2020
In this week's episode, Arthur and Ryan talk about Trump's bout of COVID and the new revelations about the trial of Cardinal George Pell in the Sunday Times of London. For the interview segment, Rep. Paul Gosar, a Republican congressman from Arizona, joins the podcast to talk about his new bill he's cosponsoring with...
Oct 1, 2020
A shorter than usual episode this week, as we try to get our debate debrief out to you as fast as possible. Who won on Tuesday night? Did Trump's aggressiveness backfire? Rachel Bovard of the Conservative Partnership Institute and TAC's own Curt Mills join Arthur and Ryan for a debate recap.